As always, Dake's commentary follows his principle of interpretation: take the Bible literally where at all possible. Publishing Company, operated by the Dake family, sells nearly 40,000 copies of the Dake Bible each year.14 Finis Dake, Jr. Dake Survey Free Stuff Forums Commentary Notes The Dake Annotated Reference Bible has more commentary notes (approximately 35,000 total) than any other study Bible on the market today. The bible features about 500,000 helpful cross chain references. Published more than 30 years ago and billed as the Pentecostal Study Bible, Dake’s has seen an upsurge in popularity in recent years, selling more than 30,000 copies in 1992, perhaps due to. Bible.12 His copious notes and commentary accompany the King James Version text and are taken largely. Definitions of key Hebrew and Greek words are provided. There is also a complete concordance and cyclopedic index. NKJV Dake Bible Bonded Leather Black (ISBN-9781558290938) New King James Version New layout with 2 columns for NKJV text and 3 columns for study notes New. It contains the Old and New Testament of the authorized or KJV Text laid out with four columns on each page-two columns containing the scripture and two containing notes and comments. KJV -Dake Annotated Reference Bible, Black Genuine Leather Edition and published by Dake Publishing.